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招標網 > 招標采購 > 招標公告 > 推薦公告 > 博西家電昆明&哈爾濱&石家莊倉儲及二程運輸招標公告
發布日期:2024-03-26 08:34:00 作者:博西家用電器(中國)有限公司 | 標簽:
業主委托招標網代為征集供應商的項目。招標網會將經過審核的供應商提交給業主選擇。 也可撥打免費咨詢電話: 400-633-1888與客服專員聯系報名事宜。
采購業主 博西家用電器(中國)有限公司 所屬地區 江蘇省 加入日期 2024年03月26日
截止時間 2024年03月31日


BSH Tender for warehouse and 2nd transportation services

in Kunming & Harbin & Shijiazhuang



As a member of BSH Home Appliance Group we are in charge of developing and selling home appliances under our two main brands SIEMENS and BOSCH in China. In 2022 BSH Home Appliances Group achieved an annual turnover of 15.9 billion Euros worldwide.



For our Yunnan area we are searching for warehouse and 2nd transportation suppliers with good reputation and experience in white goods operation. Suppliers should be interested in cooperation with at least 2 years contract. The potential warehouse should be located in the area of Kunming city with a space around 750 square meters (net space, or calculated by inventory volume). The 2nd transportation volume is about 30,000 units per year (mainly refrigerators and washing machines). The 2nd transportation supplier must have ability of trucking shipment to Kunming and other cities in Yunnan Province for B2B, B2C, B2P or other transportation forwarding and return.

我們在云南的昆明尋求倉儲和二程運輸資源,希望能與擁有良好聲譽及白色家電操作方面經驗的供應商合作,且供應商應當有興趣與我們至少有兩年的合同合作。倉庫的地址在昆明市,面積需求約為750平方米 (內墻到內墻凈存儲面積,也可能采取日庫存計費方式) 。預計以昆明庫為發貨中心的二程運輸全年運量約30,000臺各類白色家電產品(主要是冰箱和洗衣機),二程運輸供應商具備發往昆明及云南省內其它城市博西客戶的倉庫、終端消費者入戶以及門店、樓盤項目等正、逆向運輸配送服務的能力。


For our Heilongjiang area we are searching for warehouse and 2nd transportation suppliers with good reputation and experience in white goods operation. Suppliers should be interested in cooperation with at least 2 years contract. The potential Harbin warehouse should be located in the area of Harbin city with a space around 700 square meters (net space, option of extension). The 2nd transportation volume is about 15,000 units per year (mainly refrigerators and washing machines). The 2nd transportation supplier must have ability of trucking shipment to the Heilongjiang Province and Northeast of Inner Mongolia for B2B, B2C, B2P or other transportation forwarding and return.

我們在黑龍江的哈爾濱尋求倉儲和二程運輸資源,希望能與擁有良好聲譽及白色家電操作方面經驗的供應商合作,且供應商應當有興趣與我們至少有兩年的合同合作。哈爾濱倉庫的地址應在哈爾濱區域,運輸主要輻射黑龍江地區和分內蒙東北部區域,面積需求約為700平方米(內墻到內墻凈存儲面積,將來可能擴展) ;預計二程運輸的全年運量約15,000臺各類白色家電產品(主要是冰箱和洗衣機)。二程運輸供應商具備從哈爾濱倉庫發黑龍江和內蒙東北部分區域博西客戶的倉庫、終端消費者入戶以及門店、樓盤項目等正、逆向運輸配送服務的能力。


For our Hebei area we are searching for warehouse and 2nd transportation suppliers with good reputation and experience in white goods operation. Suppliers should be interested in cooperation with at least 2 years contract. The potential warehouse should be located in the area of Shijiazhuang city with a space around 1,600 square meters (net space, option of extension). The 2nd transportation volume is about 55,000 units per year (mainly refrigerators and washing machines). The 2nd transportation supplier must have ability of trucking shipment to Hebei Province for B2B, B2C, B2P or other transportation forwarding and return.

我們在河北的石家莊尋求倉儲和二程運輸資源,希望能與擁有良好聲譽及白色家電操作方面經驗的供應商合作,且供應商應當有興趣與我們至少有兩年的合同合作。倉庫的地址應在石家莊市,面積需求約為1,600平方米(內墻到內墻凈存儲面積,將來可能擴展) 。預計二程運輸的全年運量約55,000臺各類白色家電產品(主要是冰箱和洗衣機)。二程運輸供應商具備發往河北省全境博西客戶的倉庫、終端消費者入戶以及門店、樓盤項目等正、逆向運輸配送服務的能力。


Suppliers can decide whether if they want to apply for warehouse or transportation services only or for both operations (warehouse and transportation) of Kunming Dalian tender. Joint bids from two or more suppliers not be accepted in this tender. Be able to issue official VAT invoice of warehouse and transportation. Supplier’s qualification will be examined and evaluated by BSH, suppliers who was qualified and passed evaluation can participate the tender.




The tender plan to be launched in April. 2024 on the web based TiContract tool https://ticontract.transporeon.com.   

本次招標計劃2024 4通過https://ticontract.transporeon.com 平臺報價。


If you are interested in our tender, please send your application in PDF or photo with following related qualification documents to mailbox logistics-tender@bshg.com :

· Company introduction (EN+CN language)

· Business scope and experience (EN+CN language) Candidates who has white goods warehousing in Kunming and distribution experience in Yunnan Province will be taken into priority consideration

· Business license and other relevant certificates within the validity period

· Road transportation permission (for tender of 2nd transport)

· Warehouse Fire-fighting certificate (for tender of warehouse, class.3 or above) and warehouse property certificate. Photos of warehouse (internal/external view of warehouse) Floor based warehouse does not take into consideration. Equipped by canopy and external deck will be taken into priority consideration (for tender of Warehouse)

· Proof documents of warehouse management system, inbound &outbound scanning, EDI connection capability, transport note printing systematically (for tender of Warehouse)

· Mail subject: Kunming or Harbin or Shijiazhuang tender - candidate name - tender target




如果您有意向,請以PDF格式或圖片提供相關經營資質文件發送至 logistics-tender@bshg.com ,至少包括:

· 公司介紹(中、英文雙語);

· 業務范圍及白色家電經驗(中、英文雙語); 有白色家電昆明倉儲、云南省運輸配送經驗者優先考慮;

· 有效期內的營業執照等相關證照;

· 二程運輸投標供應商請提供有效期內的道路運輸許可證;

· 倉儲投標供應商請提供投標的倉庫消防證明暨火災危險性類別是丙二類及以上等級的證明資料,倉庫產權證明,倉庫現場照片(庫內、庫外若干),不接受樓庫投標;競投標倉庫具備雨篷、高位外置貨臺的優先考慮;

· 倉儲投標供應商請提供具備倉庫管理系統,進、出庫貨物掃碼、EDI數據與博西系統對接能力、倉庫內運輸發貨單據系統打單能力的證明資料;

· 發送郵件的主題格式: 昆明或哈爾濱或石家莊招標(可申請一個或多個區域)  申請公司的名稱  申請的標的(倉儲或二程運輸或倉儲&二程運輸)。


Please register immediately in www.ticontract.com if you are passed our pre-evaluation, you needn’t register again if you have already registered before.      



Deadline for application: Mar. 31st  2024







Address: Block 3, No.18, South Qingjiang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province





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華南:廣東 廣西 海南
西北:陜西 甘肅 青海 寧夏 新疆
西南:重慶 四川 貴州 云南 西藏
華中:河南 湖北 湖南
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