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當前位置: 首頁 > 歷年招標公告 > 2016.06.03招標公告 > 深圳大學納米壓力儀采購(國際招標)


信息發布日期:2016.06.03 標簽: 廣東省招標 深圳市招標 大學招標 
地 區:深圳市
關鍵詞: 大學

1. 深圳市裕明財務咨詢有限公司(以下簡稱“招標機構”)受招標人委托,邀請合格投標人就深圳大學納米壓力儀采購的下列貨物和有關服務提交密封投標:
貨物名稱 數量 
納米壓力儀 1 套 
2. 有意向的合格投標人可在深圳市裕明財務咨詢有限公司得到進一步的信息和查閱招標文件。
3. 投標人資格:
4.有意向的投標人可從2016年6月3日14時00分起至2016年6月14日17時00分止(節假日除外),每天上午9:00~11:30、下午2:30~5:00 (北京時間) 在深圳市羅湖區嘉賓路2018號深華商業大廈605房購買招標文件(請購買人攜帶法人代表授權書、授權人身份證復印件及相關符合投標資格的證明材料),本招標文件每套售價人民幣500元或80美元,售后不退,郵寄需另附郵資人民幣60元或美元10元。
5. 所有投標書應于2016年6月28 日9:30(北京時間)之前遞交到深圳市裕明財務咨詢有限公司(深圳市羅湖區嘉賓路2018號深華商業大廈裙樓6樓)606開標室。
6. 定于2015年6月28 日9:30 (北京時間),在深圳市裕明財務咨詢有限公司(深圳市羅湖區嘉賓路2018號深華商業大廈裙樓6樓)606開標室。屆時請參加投標的代表出席開標儀式。
郵 編: 518000

Date: June 3, 2016
IFB No.: 1458-1641YMCW1603
1. Shenzhen Yuming Consultation On Finance Co., Ltd. (hereafter called “Tendering Agent”), entrusted by the Tenderee, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers for the supply of the following goods and/or service regarding the Procurement of Shenzhen University nano pressure instrument procurement:
Name of Goods QTY Unit
Nano pressure instrument 1Set
2. Interested eligible bidders can obtain further information and the bidding documents from Shenzhen Yuming Consultation On Finance Co., Ltd.
3. Qualifications and performance standards: 
1) bidders must have an independent legal personality, and in the China international bidding network () to register as a member, the domestic bidder shall provide a copy of the business license stamped with the official seal. 
2) bidders shall be registered in the Shenzhen municipal government procurement center supplier; (provide a registered card or a copy of the scanned copy of the official seal of the bidder). 
3) in the past three years, there is no record of bribery. (from the Shenzhen municipal government procurement center to the city people's Procuratorate on a regular basis to the government procurement supplier database for the registration of an effective supplier of centralized query, the tender documents without providing proof material
4. Bidding documents could be purchased in RM 605, 6/F, Shenhua Building, jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm (Beijing Time) from 2:00 pm, June 3th, 2016 to 5:00 pm, June 14th,2016 (weekends and holidays excepted). A set of bidding documents is priced at nonrefundable RMB500 or USD 80.
5. All bids must be delivered to RM606, 6/F, Shenhua Building, jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen before 9:30 am, June 28st,2016 (Beijing Time).
6. All bids will be publicly opened in RM606, 6/F, Shenhua Building, jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen at 9:30 am, June 28st , 2016, The representatives of the bidders are expected to attend the bid opening ceremony.

Tendering Agent: Shenzhen Yuming Consultation On Finance Co., Ltd.
Address: RM 605, 6/F, Shenhua Building, jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.
Post code: 518000
Contact: Mr.Zhang, Miss Shi,
Tel: 0755-83521976; 0755-83521951
Fax: 0755-83521864
E-mail: rock1024@126.com 
Bank: Guomao Branch, Shenzhen PingAn Bank
Account No.: RMB: 11012214163301
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