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當前位置: 首頁 > 歷年招標公告 > 2014.09.22招標公告 > 深圳市蛇口人民醫院錐束射線3D成像口腔全景X機采購項目


信息發布日期:2014.09.22 標簽: 廣東省招標 深圳市招標 醫院招標 
地 區:深圳市
關鍵詞: 醫院
深圳市三方誠信招標有限公司受招標人委托對下列產品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,于2014-09-22在中國招標網公告。 本次招標采用傳統招標方式,現邀請合格投標人參加投標。
*1、定位方式:坐式,座椅可電動升降,和設備一體,醫生病人面對面定位方式,座椅座墊可以拆卸,方便輪椅病人進入。 2、掃描方式:360度全掃描,脈沖曝光方式。 *3、掃描視野為最小可達到直徑8*2CM,最大視野不小于直徑14cm*高8cm,均為一次掃描生成,且掃描范圍可以自由無級調整;通過電腦終端可以直接控制掃描視野,無需手動;x光范圍同步調整,病人輻射最低,不是通過軟件重建后期調整。 4、掃描區域:可根據預覽圖像在工作站自由選取掃描區域,無須重新調整病人體位,影像工作站電腦直接控制設備調整掃描位置。 5、功能:CT斷層功能,同時具備單獨掃描全景功能(非軟件重建全景)。 6、影像探測器:碘化銫涂層非晶硅平板探測器,12.8cm 寬*12.8cm高。 7、灰階:14比特。 8、體素尺寸:0.4、0.3、0.25、0.2、0.125mm 層厚,用戶根據診斷情況自選掃描精度,不是后期軟件處理生成。 9、常用標準掃描時間:不大于 8.9 秒。 10、重建時間: 30秒內(8.9秒掃描),120秒(120秒掃描)。 11、捕獲工作站電腦配置(隨機原裝): 系統所配備工作站的主要配置和性能(最低) a) CPU:不低于Pentium-4 Processor, 3.8 GHz; b) 內存:不小于2G; c) 顯卡:獨立顯卡,顯存容量:不小于128M; d) 操作系統:原版Windows XP Professional (32位); e) 千兆網卡; f) DVD刻錄; g) 顯示器器采用醫用顯示器不小于20英寸。 12、定位方式:激光定位指示(中心線、水平線),掃描前具有投照預覽功能。 13、中文專業版CT診斷軟件。 14、診斷處理軟件要求: 14.1、3D重組圖像,可以任意選取區域進行重建; 14.2、標準冠狀面圖像,層厚可以任意調節; 14.3、標準矢狀面圖像,層厚可以任意調節; 14.4、標準軸面圖像,層厚可以任意調節; 14.5、標準投影側位影像; 14.6、局部360度切面連續顯示,自動旋轉播放,切面切換速度可調; 14.7、多平面重組圖像; 14.8、序列橫斷面(頰舌向)圖像、全景、軸向切面、序列橫斷面三維重建在同一畫面,層厚可以任意調節; 14.9、任意平面重建圖像; 14.10、顳頜關節專用診斷切面,層厚可以任意調節,冠狀切面、矢狀切面、關節三維重建、軸向切面可以同時在一個界面顯示; 14.11、全景功能:可以小劑量單獨掃描全景; 14.12、2D圖像編輯工具:移動,圖像翻轉,放大,對比度調節,亮度調節,圖像信息; 14.13、測量工具:距離,連續距離,角度測量,骨密度測量,面積計算,感興趣區(ROI)3D影像值測量; 14.14、影像切割功能(2D及3D剖面影像); 14.15、3D影像調節(可還原軟組織輪廓); 14.16、多種圖像后處理功能:容積再現(VR)、最大密度投影( MIP)、最小密度投影(minIP)、模擬X線投照(X-Ray)、曲面重建(CPR); 14.17、影像數據輸出功能,數據導出,自動加載專家版診斷軟件,屏幕快照,另存; 14.18、下頜神經管著色,標記,且三維重建模型能顯示; 14.19、其他軟件配置: 14.19.1、 種植體模擬植入,種植導板輸出和加工,豐富的種植體庫; 14.19.2、 正畸,牙體,牙周,外科,正頜科面部贗復體設計所需應用軟件; 14.19.3、 與多種世界著名專業軟件兼容; 14.19.4、第三方軟件應用能力:、能運用CBCT獲取的三維影像,能夠詳細觀察種植臨床解剖結構,支持下頜神經管標記,三維方向虛擬種植體植入和碰撞預警提示,種植體周圍骨密度檢測,并支持外科導板輸出和加工,豐富的種植體庫;、有強大的關節診斷功能,可以輕松的創建各種2D和3D影像;、高質量的三維重建、即刻的全分辨率的3D渲染,渲染影像細膩平滑細節豐富,一鍵即可在透視的硬組織、骨組織細節、氣道或皮膚等各種渲染模式之間進行切換 ;、強大的正畸分析功能,獨創通過描記解剖結構輪廓,自動識別頭顱標記的3D正畸方法,無需進行復雜的解剖標記點的訓練,避免影像的模糊導致標志點不清的問題,完全支持自定義個性化的3D標志點和測量,進行精準的正畸測量分析 ;、具有精準的氣道分析功能,除了自動標記點識別功能,還能夠精確的描記氣道的三維形態,并且能夠精確的測量氣道的體積和最窄的面積,為臨床診斷提供重要的參考信息 ;、支持STL格式輸出,支持三維打印功能 。 15、 數據共享能力: *15.1、必須能與醫院PACS系統實現連接; 15.2、 Dicom3.0版接口部件標配并免費開放,所有該設備與醫院數字化信息系統(如HIS、PACS等)建設相關的協議(包括已有與將來新增),均需無償提供,滿足用戶的開放要求; 15.3、沒有PACS情況下,也能實現醫院局域網自由傳輸,無須額外費用,終端軟件無端口數量限制,無須額外費用; 15.4、影像數據包導出,同時自動加載診斷軟件,離開醫院可以同樣使用,同樣享受在醫院內的所有診斷處理功能,無需加密狗,無須額外費用。 16、x光相關技術參數: 16.1、X 線束:錐形束,光束尺寸隨視野大小同步調整; 16.2、球管功率: 1000W;焦點尺寸:≤0.5*0.5mm; 16.3、管電壓:90-120kv;管電流:3-7mA; 16.4、掃描時間:5 秒,8.9 秒,14.7 秒,26.9s 至少三種時間可選; 16.5、有效曝光時間:3.2 秒; 16.6、冷卻周期:自動控制,自動過熱保護。 17、口腔影像數字化CR掃描系統(口內): 17.1、連接方式:1GB網線連接,該連線互換性能好,可以國內采購替換,通過局域網可以設定任意一臺電腦控制該設備掃描工作,無需移動設備; 17.2、電壓:100-240伏交流,采用24V直流電源適配器; 17.3、電源頻率:50-60 Hz; 17.4、功率:最大負載電流1.5A; 17.5、體積≤高\寬\長=20*22*40cm,體積小,重量不大于12公斤,可輕松放置在桌上和操作臺上,非常方便; 17.6、無線IP板,超薄設計,口內定位方便; 17.7、影像速度:0號牙片不大于5秒,1號牙片不大于6秒,2號牙片不大于6秒,3號牙片不大于8秒,可以掃描時同時擦除影像,立刻重新使用; 17.8、影像清晰度2檔可選,標準10 LP/mm,像素尺寸清洗掃描64微米,高清掃 描35微米; 17.9、掃描方式:放在艙口,自動感應,自動吸入,讀片完畢后自動彈出; 17.10、掃描艙為內置式,防治激光頭損傷,防治灰塵進入; 17.11、軟件功能:長度測量、角度測量,多級銳化,影像反轉,局部加強,功能:標記,注釋,各種圖像處理,可以按照時間、ID、姓名等快速搜索病人; 17.12、軟件特性:為中文網絡版,可直接通過網絡連接,進行圖像傳輸,并可升級; 17.13、數據庫:采用SQL專業數據庫進行影像儲存和管理,具有自動存檔、備份及預警系統。 18、X射線室防護裝修一套,符合政府放射相關規范,并能通過環保及衛生監督機構的放射衛生監測: 18.1、 X光室布局依據醫院要求作出相應的改動,并在施工前出具施工設計圖紙,經確認后再進行施工; 18.2、房間墻壁采用不小于2mm鉛板的防護當量; 18.3、電源要求:為設備配置230v,10A電源插頭,控制臺處配備不小于6個口的電源接線板,供電腦、顯示器等設備使用; 18.4、網絡接口布局(控制臺5米內): 18.4.1、醫院內網網絡接口,可以實現數據共享,和影像資料上傳到服務器; 18.4.2、外網(internet)網絡接口以進行遠程軟件升級和故障診斷。
投標人應具備的資格或業績:1、法定代表人授權書; 2、投標人營業執照或企業注冊證明復印件; 3、《醫療器械生產企業許可證》或《醫療器械經營企業許可證》(提供掃描件,原件備查); 4、所投產品必須具有《中華人民共和國醫療器械注冊證》(提供掃描件,原件備查); 5、所投產品的制造商或合法代理商或制造商針對本項目直接授權的供應商(提供相關證明掃描件,原件備查); 6、投標人必須在中國招標網( www.yuzechen.com)注冊成會員。境內投標人還須在深圳市政府采購網注冊成會員; 7、參與政府采購項目投標的供應商近三年內無行賄犯罪記錄; 8、本項目不接受聯合體投標。
投標截止時間(開標時間):2014-10-14 14:30
招標代理機構開戶銀行(人民幣): 中國銀行深圳東海支行
招標代理機構開戶銀行(美元): 中國銀行深圳東海支行
賬號(人民幣): 774457950108
賬號(美元): 822808600308092014
Shenzhen sanfangchengxin tendering co.,ltd entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.yuzechen.com on 2014-09-22.
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Purchase of Dental 3D digital imaging panoramic X-ray system
Source of Funds:Source of funds have been implemented
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Source of funds have been implemented in this tender, the tender documents have been prepared to improve, with the tender conditions.
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:0832-1441SFCXA013
Project Name:Purchase of Dental 3D digital imaging panoramic X-ray system
Place of Implementation:Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China
List of Products:
Product Name
Main Technical Data
Dental 3D digital imaging panoramic X-ray system
*1.Patient Positioning: Integrated electric-driven chair, face to face positioning; and easy entrance , with detachable chair cushion, for patients on wheelchairs. 2.Scanning mode:360 degree scanning, pulse exposure. *3.Scanning view: Minimum 8*2CM, maximum 14*8cm are generated with one scan and the scanning area can be freely readjusted;The scan field of view can be controlled directly through a computer terminal, no manual control required; X-ray exposure areas are adjusted simultaneously to the scanning view, which reduces the radiation dosage to a minimum. 4.Scanning area can be freely selected based on the preview images via PC terminal, no repositioning needed. Exposure area is controlled by workstation directly. 5.Function:Computer Tomography with independent panoramic function ( not reconstructed panoramic ). 6. Image detector: CSI coated amorphous silicon flat-panel detector, 12.8cm width *12.8cm height. 7.Gray scale: 14 bit. 8.Voxel size: 0.4, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.125mm available. Slice thickness can be adjusted on needs, instead of reconstruction afterwards. 9.Standard scanning time: Less than 8.9 seconds. 10.Reconstruction time: 30 seconds (8.9 seconds scanning), 120 seconds (23 seconds scanning). 11.Capturing workstation computer requirement (original): Main requirement & configuration of the system with the workstation (minimum) A) CPU: not less than Pentium-4 Processor, 3.8 GHz; B) Memory: not less than 2G; C) Graphic card: independent graphic card, memory capacity: not less than 128M; D) Operating system: Windows XP Professional (32 bit); E) Gigabit ethernet; F) DVD burning; G) Medical monitor not less than 20 inches. 12.Patient position: Laser positioning indicators ( central line & horizontal line ), with exposure preview prior to exposure. 13.Professional Edition CT diagnostic software in Chinese. 14.Diagnostic software requirements: 14.1.3D images could be reformed with any selected area. 14.2.Standard coronal images,slice thickness can be adjusted freely; 14.3.Standard sagittal images,slice thickness can be adjusted freely; 14.4.Standard axial images,slice thickness can be adjusted freely; 14.5.Standard ceph image ; 14.6.Continuous display of partial slices in 360 degrees, automatic rotation play, section switching speed adjustable; 14.7.Multi planar reformation image; 14.8.Serial cross-sectional (buccal—lingual) images, panoramic images, axial section, serial 3D cross-sectional reconstruction are shown in the same interface, and slice thickness can be readjusted freely; 14.9.Free reconstruction of any planar ; 14.10.Temporomandibular joint special diagnostic section, slice thickness can be readjusted freely, and coronal, sagittal, joint reconstruction, axial section can be displayed simultaneously in one interface; 14.11.Panoramic function: single scan panorama with low radiation dose; 14.12.2D imaging tools: Moving, flipping, zooming, contrast adjustment, brightness adjustment, image information; 14.13.Measuring tools: Distance, continuous distance, angle measurement, measurement of bone density, area measurement, region of interest (ROI) 3D image measurement; 14.14.Image segmentations(2D and 3D section image); 14.15.3D image adjustment(can restore soft tissue profile); 14.16.A variety of image processing functions: Volume Rendering (VR), maximum intensity projection (MIP), minimum intensity projection (minIP), simulation of X-ray projection (X-Ray), surface reconstruction (CPR); 14.17.Image data output function, data exporting, automatic loading expert diagnosis software, screen shots, saving as; 14.18.Mandibular nerve tube coloring, marking, and 3D reconstruction model displayable; 14.19.Other software requirements: 14.19.1 Implant simulation, surgical guide design and processing, abundant implant library; 14.19.2 Software with Orthodontics, endodontics, periodontal, oral surgery,orthognathic, facial prosthesis designing function; 14.19.3.Capable with world-famous softwares; 14.19.4.Third party software applications: able to use 3D images captured by CBCT, to observe implant clinical anatomic structure in detail, mandibular neural tube marking, 3D virtual implants and collision warning prompt, peri-implant bone density detection, support the surgical guide output and processing, abundant implant library; joint diagnostic features, with which variety of 2D and 3D images can be recreated; quality 3D reconstruction, instant hi res 3D rendering with smooth textures and abundant details; one button to switch among the various rendering mode - Hard tissue, detailed bone tissue, airway or skin; orthodontic analysis function, promethean 3D orthodontic method:automatic identification of head marking through tracing anatomical contour , without complex training of anatomical landmarks, avoiding the image blur causing ambiguous sign, full support for personalized orthodontic 3D tracing and measuring ,high analysis accuracy; airway analysis functions, in addition to automatic marking, the airway can be traced in 3D views, and airway volume can be accurately measured, as well as narrowest area, to offer important information for clinical diagnosis; format output and 3D printing function. 15. Data sharing capability: *15.1. Connection to hospital PACS system must be available; 15.2.Dicom3.0 interface should be included in the package free of charge. All protocols (including existing ones and future add-ons), related to the unit and to digital hospital information systems (such as HIS, PACS etc.) construction, should be provided free of charge. 15.3.Image data could be transmitted through the hospital LAN without the PACS, and no extra charges occurs; no limitation on the numbers of terminal software port. 15.4.Diagnosis software automatically loaded with image data, and the loaded software shares all the functions with original copy, no dongle, at no extra cost. 16.X-ray technical specifications: 16.1.X-ray: Cone beam, the beam size synchronizes with the field size adjustment; 16.2.Tube output power: 1000W; focal sport size: ≤ 0.5*0.5mm; 16.3.Tube voltage: 90-120kv; tube current: 3-7mA; 16.4.Scan time: 5 seconds, 8.9 seconds, 14.7 seconds, 26.9s at least three options; 16.5.Effective exposure time: 3.2 seconds; 16.6.Cooling cycle: Automatic control, automatic overheat protection. 17.Oral imaging digital CR scanning system (intraoral): 17.1.Connection: 1GB cable connection, connecting wire easily replaceable, can be replaced through domestic procurement; scanning tasks could be controlled with any PC terminal within the LAN, not necessary to move the unit. 17.2.Voltage: 100-240 AC, with 24V DC power adapter ; 17.3.Power supply frequency: 50-60 Hz; 17.4.Power: Maximum load current 1.5A; 17.5.Volume size≤high, wide and long =20*22*40cm,small in size, less than 12 kg in weight, desktop design with high conveniences; 17.6. Wireless IP plate, extra thin design, convenient intraoral positioning; 17.7.Scanning speed: size 0 image no more than 5seconds, size 1 less than 6 seconds, size 2 less than 6 seconds, size 3 less than 8 seconds, and info on the IPs are simultaneously erased while scanning; IPs are immediately ready for reuse after scanning 17.8.Two options for Image sharpness, standard 10 LP/mm , pixel size 64 micrometer and HD 35 micrometer ; 17.9.Scanning way: automatic pull-in with sensor, and automatic pull-out after reading; 17.10.Scanning module is integrated, which prevents damage and dust contamination into laser reader; 17.11.Software functions: Length measurement, angle measurement, multistage sharpening, image reversal, local strengthening, function: mark, annotation, image processing, can quickly search the patients according to time, ID, etc. 17.12.Software features: Chinese network version, direct LAN connection and image transmission are available,;Upgradable; 17.13.Database: Professional SQL database for image storage and management; Automatic archiving; backup and premature warning system. 18.A set of X - ray protection, in line with the government's radiation related norms; be able to pass the radiation health monitoring and the mechanism of environmental protection and hygiene supervision: 18.1.X - ray room changes layout based on the requirements of the hospital, issue the construction design drawings before construction,construct after confirmed; Layout of the X-ray room should be adjusted based on hospital’s requirements, and design drawings should be provided for hospital’s consent before strart 18.2.Protection of the room wall should be equivalent to 2mm tinplate or above; 18.3.Power requirements:equipment configuration:230V, 10A power supply plug, the console is equipped with not less than 6 export power wiring board, for computer, monitors and other equipment; 18.4.Network interface layout (5 meters within the console desk ): 18.4.1.Hospital intranet network interface, be able to share the data and upload the data to the server; 18.4.2.External network(internet)interface for remote software upgrading and fault diagnosis.
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:1) Power of Attorney; 2) Bidders’ business license or certificate of registration (Business scope shall include the tendering goods); 3) Sales license for the medical apparatus (supplied according to requirements of bidder’s country or region) ; 4)the product must have the People's Republic of China cast Medical Device Registration Certificate (provide scanned copies, the original reference); 5) the product manufacturer or legitimate dealer or manufacturer directly for the project authorized supplier (provide proof of a scanned original reference); 6) bidders must register as a member at the China International Tendering (www.yuzechen.com). Domestic bidders must register as a member on the Shenzhen Municipal Government procurement network; 7) To participate in government procurement projects bidding suppliers in nearly three years no bribery crime record ; 8) The project consortium does not accept the bid.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2014-09-22
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2014-10-10
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥400/$65
Additional Instructions:
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2014-10-14 14:30
Place of Bid:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
Place of Bid Opening:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
6.The evaluation results will be released on www.yuzechen.com。
7.Contact Details
Add.:No.26,industrial 7th road,Shenzhen Guangdong Province
Contact:Ms Deng
Bidding Agency:shenzhen sanfangchengxin tendering co.,ltd
Add.:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen,Guangdong, China.
Contact:Mr. Hu and Mr. Li
Tel :86-755-82800088-839
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):Bank of China Shenzhen Donghai Branch
Bank(USD):Bank of China Shenzhen Donghai Branch
Account NO.(RMB):774457950108
Account NO.(USD):822808600308092014
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