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當前位置: 首頁 > 歷年招標公告 > 2012.11.08招標公告 > 南京大學光子探測器采購公告


信息發布日期:2012.11.08 標簽: 江蘇省招標 南京市招標 大學招標 
地 區:南京市
內 容:內容:光子探測器 技術指標及要求: CCD format (像素):1340 x 400, 20 x 20 ?m pixels with 100% fill factor Imaging area(成像面積):26.8 x 8.0 mm (optically centered) Optical mount (光學支架):Princeton Instruments’ Acton spectrometer adapter with optional shutter Thermostating precision:±0.05°C (溫度精確度) Cooling method (制冷方式):Thermoelectric air or liquid cooling; CoolCUBE II, a compact room temperature coolant circulator, is available for vibration sensitive environments ADC speed/bits 速率: 100 kHz/16-bit and 2 MHz/16-bit System read noise 噪聲@100 kHz @2 MHz:Front-illuminated Back-illuminated 2.5 e- rms (typical), 4 e- rms (max) 3 e- rms (typical), 5 e- rms (max) 10 e- rms (typical), 15 e- rms (max) 11 e- rms (typical), 16 e- rms (max) Vertical shift speed 速度: < 15 ?sec/row (programmable) Non-linearity 非線性:< 1% @ 100 kHz Software selectable gains: 1, 2, 4 e- (high sensitivity); 4, 8, 16 e- (high capacity); available at all speeds Operating systems supported:Windows XP/7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit) and Linux Data interface 數據界面: Gigabit Ethernet I/O signals : Two MCX to BNC connectors for programmable frame readout, shutter, trigger in Operating environment: +5 to +30°C non-condensing atmosphere Dimensions / Weight: 16.3 cm (6.43") x 11.8 cm (4.65") x 11.4 cm (4.48") (L x W x H) / 2.27 kg (5 lbs)
關鍵詞: 大學
招標編號: 2012[054]
招標機構名稱: 南京大學國有資產管理處
地 址:***
郵 編:210093
電 話:025-83592987;傳真:***
聯系 人***
一. 招標內容:光子探測器
CCD format (像素):1340 x 400, 20 x 20 ?m pixels with 100% fill factor
Imaging area(成像面積):26.8 x 8.0 mm (optically centered)
Optical mount (光學支架):Princeton Instruments’ Acton spectrometer adapter with optional shutter
Thermostating precision:±0.05°C (溫度精確度)
Cooling method (制冷方式):Thermoelectric air or liquid cooling; CoolCUBE II, a compact room temperature coolant circulator, is available for vibration sensitive environments
ADC speed/bits 速率: 100 kHz/16-bit and 2 MHz/16-bit
System read noise 噪聲@100 kHz @2 MHz:Front-illuminated Back-illuminated
2.5 e- rms (typical), 4 e- rms (max) 3 e- rms (typical), 5 e- rms (max)
10 e- rms (typical), 15 e- rms (max) 11 e- rms (typical), 16 e- rms (max)
Vertical shift speed 速度: < 15 ?sec/row (programmable)
Non-linearity 非線性:< 1% @ 100 kHz
Software selectable gains: 1, 2, 4 e- (high sensitivity); 4, 8, 16 e- (high capacity); available at all speeds
Operating systems supported:Windows XP/7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit) and Linux
Data interface 數據界面: Gigabit Ethernet
I/O signals : Two MCX to BNC connectors for programmable frame readout, shutter, trigger in
Operating environment: +5 to +30°C non-condensing atmosphere
Dimensions / Weight: 16.3 cm (6.43") x 11.8 cm (4.65") x 11.4 cm (4.48") (L x W x H) / 2.27 kg (5 lbs)


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